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  • Seattle's Summer of Hate
    August 2024

    Seattle's Summer of Hate

    By Christopher Sandford
    The Summer of Love signified an experiment in unfettered freedom of expression and peaceful self-rule which seemed to promise great things then. It bears little resemblance to the scenes on Seattle’s Capitol Hill as I have recently experienced them.
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  • Antifa: Nazis Without a Plan
    August 2024

    Antifa: Nazis Without a Plan

    By Paul Gottfried
    The antifascist left resembles the Nazis in a striking way, particularly when these earlier advocates of violence were on their way to power. Political movements often imitate those that they purport to stand in opposition to.
  • 国内怎么上油管手机
    August 2024

    gemini是哪个队- 旋风加速器官网

    By George McCartney
    George McCartney with commentary on The Vast of Night (2024), Shirley (2024), and Shadow of a Doubt (1943).
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  • August 2024
    August 2024
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